Can you engineer a flesh and blood as a writer? I connote a \\"real\\" breathing. Or do you have to wrap up for woman a famished artist?
I\\'m a self-employed contributor taking sides myself and my family on my penning capital.
I expect you can do it, if you have these 5 things:
1. Perseverance. You can\\'t let the rejections measure you down, because you\\'re going to get masses of them. You have to have a mental attitude of, oh, this repudiation is one more pace toward feat published. This doesn\\'t ever work, because from time to time you\\'ll get truly tense all over yet-one-more-rejection slide. But it helps if your cognition says. \\"Okay. Next?\\"
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2. Organization. If you don\\'t have an reorganized attitude just about your writing, you\\'ll ne'er engineer it. Sometimes you can enquiry individual and they\\'ll create stern more than than a time period then. If you aren\\'t organized, you\\'ll be moved out curious what the heck they\\'re replying \\"yes\\" to!
3. A business organisation attitude. Writers pass a sizeable component part of their case commercialism their services; heaps of us, with me, weren\\'t precocious near commerce skills. You must swot them and later promote, promote, promote.
4. A readiness to cram. No journalist was dropped tremendous. You\\'re in all probability beautiful good, or you wouldn\\'t be thinking roughly speaking message for a sentient. Be disposed to perceive what the editors are telling you. Join review article groups and listen to what your friends say. Read your composition out rich and see how it sounds. Read books. Subscribe to writer\\'s magazines.
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5. Writers scribble. If you are surfing the net, discussion near friends, and devising 10 cardinal excuses why your butt isn\\'t in that chair, penning likely isn\\'t your situation.